Woman Drinks Her Dog's Urine To Help Get Rid Of Acne & Depression; Says It Can Cure Cancer Too
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It's true that a dog is man’s best friend! But dog urine is this woman's friend. Dogs are the best pets to have, just being around them is enough to make your day brighter, but this woman has taken the love for her pet pooch to the next level.
According to a report in Newsweek, 21-year-old Lynn Lew strongly believes that her pet dog's urine not only cured her acne and depression, but she believes that it can cure cancer. She filmed a video of herself, drinking her pet's urine. The video, posted to Facebook, has inspired even holistic medicine professionals to denounce urine’s medicinal use.
In the video, Lew stands outside with her dog Micah, a Pomeranian-Husky mix. “People always ask me how I look so good, how my makeup always looks so perfect or how I always have this natural glow,” she says in the video. “Here’s my secret.”
Lew then holds a cup beneath her dog as he pees and drinks the near-full cup of urine in three gulps. After downing the last sip and licking her fingers clean, she says, “And that is why I look so much better than y’all.”
As per the report, if her dog doesn't fill the cup, she doesn't mind borrowing some of the neighbouring dog's urine! Despite all the backlash for the video, Lew told Newsweek the benefits outweigh the negative response.
“Before I did this, I literally wanted to kill myself. After doing this and after seeing all the results, I strongly believe that this is worth every speck of backlash I could receive from it,” she said.