Woman Kills Herself & Her Children After Husband Fakes Death To Claim Insurance Money

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Woman Kills Herself & Her Children After Husband Fakes Death To Claim Insurance Money

A grief-stricken woman decided to end her life and that of her children after her husband faked his death to claim his insurance money.

The man, who has been identified by his last name, He, turned himself in to the police in the Hunan province of China. He admitted that he bought a life insurance policy worth approximately $144,000 (INR 1,06,00,560), without telling his wife, who was named the beneficiary.

According to a report in the South China Morning Post, the man drove a borrowed car into a river to fake his death, so that his family would be able to claim the insurance. Thinking that her husband was dead, his wife left a note on social media, and disappeared with their son and daughter.

Their bodies were later recovered by police from a nearby lake. In her 1000-word letter, the woman wrote that after her husband went missing, she faced extreme family pressure and lost the will to live.

"I wanted to leave by myself, but thinking that my children would suffer without both parents, I decided to take them with me," the woman wrote in her letter. Police say that the husband turned to insurance fraud as he was more than $14,000 in debt.