Woman Asked Boyfriend to Buy Tampons During Periods; His Reply is Trending on Twitter!

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How do girls understand their partner’s love for them? Conventional answers to this question would be on the basis of time spent together, surprises and of course the exchange of those ‘three magical words.’ But before all these, if you are feeling free to talk to your man about period cramps, it simply means you’re in the right place.

Woman Asked Boyfriend to Buy Tampons During Periods; His Reply is Trending on Twitter!

A Twitter user named @broganpaget shared a screenshot from her conversation with her boyfriend captioning, “when you ask ur boyfriend to buy u tampons (sic).” Apparently, she had asked her boyfriend to get Tampons from supermarket and he got confused between the flavours. “Do u want the lemon or lime,” he texted sir.

But, wait! Do tampons actually have scents/flavours? It’s a big NO. Different colours represent different sizes depending on a woman’s period flow. Tampons which are meant for heavy flow will enable more blood absorption than others.

Being shared on August 25, the post has since garnered 132,000 retweets and 901,000 likes. Some viewers even came up with hilarious comments. “Any man that will go and get you tampons is truly a badass,” commented one Twitter user. “If I ever find a man this funny I’m marrying him,” wrote another.