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'Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia': Shashi Tharoor Warns Of Fear Of Long Words With A 35-letter Word

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'Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia': Shashi Tharoor Warns Of Fear Of Long Words With A 35-letter Word

Looks like Shashi Tharoor really wants us to walk around with a dictionary all the time. From his "exasperating farrago of distortions" to yesterday's tweet on "Floccinaucinihilipilification", people have been left perplexed.

Tharoor in a tweet yesterday used a 29-letter word to describe his new book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. To no surprise, people started mocking the Congress MP for his use of elaborate language, too difficult for them to understand.

Shashi Tharoor later put up an audio clip, helping people on how to pronounce the word. And while it had Twitter in a panic with people trying to pronounce these words, it also raised the question--why are people always so skeptical of Tharoor's words.


Tharoor, who is known for his command over the language decided to address people's fear of long words. But then he did it in his own style. Brace yourselves!


Now, that's a very long word to describe the fear of long words! And as expected, Twitter lost it once again!