Actor Nani turns producer with a progressive multi-starrer directed by debutant Prasanth Varma. Awe stars Kajal Aggarwal, Nithya Menen, Regina Cassandra, Priyadarshi Pullikonda, Murali Sharma, Srinivas Avasarala, Rohini, Eesha Rebba and others. Nani himself and Ravi Teja have rendered their voice-overs for two special characters in the film.
Awe is an experimental film that has not been tried in Tollywood before. To start with, it is not a typical love story or a feel-good comedy if that is what you are expecting. Awe has a tinge of everything - comedy, love and even horror, but the overall treatment is new and could be a little overwhelming to some.
Awe revolves around six lead characters that include Kajal Aggarwal, Nithya Menen and Regina Cassandra. Each character travels on a different track before converging into one. You might think it is one of those hyperlink movies, but that's where the whole surprise element comes in and is the USP of Awe. Talking anything more about the story would be a spoiler.
Kajal, Nithya, Regina, Priyadarshi, Murali Sharma - all of them have limited screen time and have given what the film demands. It is more of a cakewalk for these seasoned actors. Some might feel Kajal’s character is a little distracting, but you will know the reason for that only towards the end.