Nikki Galrani

Nikki Galrani
16 of 18

Dear Manu,
Thank you for always having my back
Thank you for always lifting me up
Thank you for always fighting for me (and sometimes with me🤦🏻‍♀️)
Thank you for always protecting me, For holding me , For teaching me, For kissing me
Thank u for all your kindness
Thank you for making me a fighter
Thank you for all the freedom you always gave me
Thank you for accepting me for who I am or what I’m striving to Become
Thank you for teaching me to live life by experiences and not by rules
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything😘😘😘
But more than all of this,
Thank you for always making me feel Unconditionally Loved ♥️
You my Best Man 🐣♥️
P.S - My Daddy has the best younger daughter in the whole wide world 😬🥰
OK Bye !