Thamizhanoda Veeramellam - Thamezharasan

12 of 15
Who would have ever thought that Sid Sriram would one day render a kuthu song in tamil? Its obviously the Maestro who has visualised this and delivered a total dance-worthy track. Kudos to the singer who has made us believe that he is capable of versatility as well. Some of you might have noticed that when I rank these songs I pay attention to a component called “variation” and this tells me how varied the song is in-terms of its notes and not a single musician comes close to the Maestro. If you want to know what it mean listen to this songs stanzas as they go through 4 sets of variations before the song lands back to the opening lines, and this is unheard of literally in anyone else’s compositions.
Rating: 7.3 / 10