Movie making isn't an easy business and the internet isn't a forgiving entity. That's why mistakes do happen while making a film and they get caught on to by netizens. Here's a list of some of the hilarious movie mistakes that movie buffs uncovered over the ages.
Have you noticed the cowboy who stepped into the pirates ship before?
When the crew members of the Harry Potter were in dire need of the invisibility cloak!
There was an actor who deserved an Oscar in Tom Cruise's The Last Samurai more than him. Can you spot him?
There was another braveheart in Braveheart..
In 1983 Sean Penn version of Bad Boys, there have actually been two really really bad boys:
Remember this iconic scene in Jurassic Park where the kids hide in a pantry? This blunder might just ruin our childhood favourite!
Somebody cheated in the grand finale , and nobody spotted them in the movie!
In Die Hard 2, when the bad guys are seen gearing up for action, the black guy reaches below for his package. Do you notice the mistake?
In Troy, this side actor forgot to wait for the arrows!
Perhaps no other film has been privy to such a close examination. Here's a popular mistake pointed out by movie buffs