Bigg Boss Tamil Season 3, aired on Vijay TV, is a reality show hosted by Kamal Haasan. Contestants stay in a house with no contact with the outside world, and according to the audience vote, one who sustains the place inside the house after 100 days and gets the highest number of votes gets selected as the winner.
Today's episode will showcase the participants' 81st day inside the house. This week the relatives of the inmates are going inside the house and already Mugen's family had entered. Yesterday, Losliya's family entered, and Losliya completely broke down. Her father scolded her for her attitude and conversed with the inmates.
In today's promo, Tharshan's family enters Bigg Boss House, and the entire house celebrates them. Tharshan is very happy on seeing his family and the inmates celebrate Tharshan's mother's birthday with a cake-cutting. Watch the video here!