The third season of Bigg Boss 3, hosted by Kamal Hassan, consists of sixteen contestants living in a house that is under the supervision of over sixty cameras. The contestants are given some interesting tasks whose outcome will decide whether they face elimination or not.
The promo of third episode of Bigg Boss is here, and it features a tussle between Abhirami Venkatachalam and the new entrant Meera Mitun. In order to calm down the fight, Vanitha Vijayakumar quips in, which leads to an even bigger quarrel between the two.
#பிக்பாஸ் இல்லத்தில் இன்று..#BiggBossTamil - தினமும் இரவு 9:30 மணிக்கு உங்கள் விஜயில்.. #BiggBossTamil3 #VijayTelevision
— Vijay Television (@vijaytelevision) June 26, 2019
The third season initially featured fifteeen contestants, but this time around, the lateral entry is revealed and inducted in the second episode of the show itself. The third season features a varied mix of contestants from all quarters of the media industry