Ezra, the Malayalam film starring Prithviraj and Priya Anand hit the screens yesterday (10th February) to positive response. The film is directed by Jay K falls into the horror genre which is very rarely attempted in Malayalam cinema.
Apparently, the suspense of the film is being revealed in the social media which is definitely something to be condemned. Hero Prithviraj took to his social media page to request people to not do this.
He says, “A big thank you and a humble request! There are numerous forwards floating around FB, WhatsApp and other platforms revealing the plot and the suspense of #EZRA . I fail to understand the motivation behind this want to spoil the experience for people yet to watch the movie. As an actor proud to have taken a step to try something truly different in Malayalam, I would be greatly obliged if this is stopped and discouraged. And THANK YOU..for presenting EZRA with one among the biggest ever openings for a film in Kerala and for all the support and appreciation. Cheers! ”.
Hope people listen to this and don’t spoil the movie watching experience for others.
*status message is not spell-checked