Netflix series 'Never Have I Ever' managed to gain massive attention among the youth and teenagers when it first released. The comedy-drama show has an Indian-origin character Devi Vishwakumar, an out-and-out nerd who's trying to stay cool and socialise just like any other normal high-schooler in America, while also trying to deal with the death of her father.
The fans of the popular coming-of-age web series NEVER HAVE I EVER have waited so long for the new season and the second installment of Never Have I Ever was released on July 15. Now, here's the announcement about the third season.
Well, well, well - here is the good news from NETFLIX INDIA - "A very gentle announcement that NEVER HAVE I EVER IS COMING BACK FOR ANOTHER SEASON! 🕺💃🕺💃 Just wanted to share this khush khabri with you 🥺❤️."
Check out the viral post below: