The third season of ongoing reality show Bigg Boss 3 has generated ample amounts of drama and friction between the fellow contestants. Hosted by Kamal Haasan for the third successive time, the game show is nearing its finale.
One of the much-talked about contestants of the show, Vanitha Vijayakumar and Kasturi, took to social media to debate about the show's nature and the authenticity of the emotions that were protarayed by the game.
In a recent tweet, Vanitha opened up about the flurry of questions asked by her followers about Bigg Boss 3. Vanitha said that she will be refraining from answering any questions related to the show and that she is done with the 'fake drama' attached to it.
Just wish this good sense had prevailed when she was there. I still remember clearly when i begged her, " why so toxic, why fight, it is a game show" , she yelled " This is a reality show ' !
But now finally its a fake drama? Only because some truths will never be shown!
— Kasturi Shankar (@KasthuriShankar) September 28, 2019
As a reply to the tweet, Kasturi commented that she begged Vanitha not to display any toxic behaviour in the show, for which she yelled 'Its a reality show'. Kasturi also questioned Vanitha's accusations about Bigg Boss 3.