Bigg Boss is a popular reality show aired in Vijay Television from 2017. The third season of this show started this June, hosted by Kamal Hassan, like the previous two seasons. Kavin is one of the most popular contestant this season. He has managed to enthrall audience with his unique songs, romantic endeavours and sportive attitude.
Recently, a shocking information involving Kavin's family has been revealed. Trichy K.K. Nagar's residents, Rajalakshmi (Kavin's mother), and relatives including Rani, Arunagiri and Soundarajan are said to have been conducting an illegal chit fund company from 1998-2006. There had been 34 members who had given money in this chit fund which adds up to a total of 32 lakhs and 28 thousand which was not returned by the company and a complaint had been filed on them for this in 2007 under Trichy's crime branch.
The Trichy court which had finally prosecuted the case, is said to have given a judgement now. They accused have been found guilty and declared with 5 years prison with 1000 rs fine under fraudulent (money laundering), and under the chit funds laws, 2000 rs fine and 2 years of imprisonment, which adds up to 7 years in prison.
But, as the accused Soundarajan and Arunagiri had deceased, only Rajalakshmi and Rani are said to be given this punishment. There had been 29 witnesses (victims) to the case, for whom, the court the ordered the company to pay 1 lakh rupees to each of them.