'The Incredibles,' a superhero film that alternates breakneck action with satire of suburban sitcom life. A film filled with characters and actions that makes us establish a connection every time we capture them on screen. On a full swing, over a decade later, 'Incredibles 2' a sequel to its first in 2004 is ready to hit the screens this June. The sequel again deals with the Parr family attempting to balance, having a normal life with their superhero powers.
With excitement pumping up, the latest update is that actress Kajol has lent her voice to the character of Helen Parr, Elastigirl, for the Hindi version of Disney Pixar's Incredibles 2.
"Incredibles 2 brings to us a heartwarming tale of a family that is like us. But yet they are different. There were so many moments in the story that I could relate to and I knew I had to join the fun," stated Kajol.
The film is set to hit the screens on June 22 releasing in English, Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.