One of the most unique reality show, Bigg Boss stepped foot in Tamil in 2017. The show is aired in Vijay TV, hosted by the legend, Kamal Hassan for the third time continuously. The third season started on June 23rd and it is currently running successfully.
The first promo of today, (September 1st) featured Losliya speaking with the caller of the week. Losliya gets an emotional overflow as she answers the caller's question and now, the second promo of today has released.
In the second promo, Ulaganayagan advises Losliya, that this is a game and that she shouldn't take the housemates too personally. "If you keep thinking what Cheran appa will say, what Tharshan anna will say or what Kavin thambi" and added "He is my brother, that is why I said so" for which the crowd cheers.
In the end, he says "If you feel low and want a hand to hold on to,follow me" and holds his own hand. Aandavar indeed. Check out the promo, below: