Bigg Boss is a popular reality TV show aired on Vijay TV. The show started its third season on June 23rd and has been running successfully. Hosted by Kamal Haasan like the previous two seasons, the show's twist and turns are displaying an abundance of drama, controversy and emotions.
In yesterday's episode, the show featured a village-based task in which the contestants, dressed in ethnic attire, the contestants were asked to perform Bommalattam after learning from expert practitioners of the art form.
In the episode of Bigg Boss airing on 28th August, the contestants will be learning a new art from, Therukoothu from artists and will be staging a performance in the end. The promo featured a glimpse of the final performance in which Vanitha played the role of Lord Yama and Losliya as Chitragupta.
Watch the full promo below: