Giving a microscopic view into anything related to cinema gives a movie buff a high like nothing else can. This time, let’s take a closer look into the number of character names that were revealed for Vijay’s role in Theri’s trailer.
Joseph Kuruvila
Vijay Kumar
Dharmeswar JK
With Dharmeswar’s initial ‘JK’ we can guess it might stand for Joseph Kuruvila. So does this mean that Vijay Kumar (Cop) and Dharmeswar JK are two different people?
Even If we assume that it is one single character, but different avatars, we can arrive at few other inferences. Vijay Kumar is a character that seems to be unveiled in the second half of the film. If that is the case, Vijay will have Joseph as his present name while Vijay Kumar will be his past name.
It must be noted that Vijay was born as Joseph Vijay Chandrasekhar and post his entry into the land of Kollywood, he is being celebrated with the name ‘Vijay’ only. Do you see the contrast in the scenario with respect to actor Vijay and Theri Vijay?