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Ajith Kumar's legal team releases a press note and makes clarifications on brand endorsement and social media abuse

Ajith's legal team released a press statement. This comes after a telecom brand reportedly used Ajith's Vivegam poster and the press note seems to have a good connection to the incident. The press statement reads that; 


"We are the legal counsels for Actor Shri. Ajith Kumar (hereinafter referred to as 'our client') and we hereby issue this notice under his instructions and on his behalf.


Our client, who has been in the film industry for the past 25 years, is an honest and regular as payer, supports many social causes privately and a law abiding citizen of this country.


While our client is not affiliated with any political party (regional or national) and exercises his right to vote based on his personal political leanings, has neither made these views public nor seeks to influence the views of anyone including his fans. Currently, our client does not commercially endorse any brand, product, corporation, or association.


While our client is thankful and grateful to his genuine fans, followers, film journalists, critics and the general public who have supported him through the years, our client prefers not to have any official fan clubs.


Our client does not have any official page or account on any social media platforms, especially on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. However, there are a few unauthorized self-proclaimed individuals, groups and associations, passing off their personal views and opinions on social and political issues under the guise and likeness of our client, through the unauthorized use of our client's name and image.


Such persons misusing our client's name have also been trolling members of the film fraternity, journalists, critics and other individuals. While it is important to identify such miscreants to be held accountable, our client unconditionally apologizes for any hurt or harm that this may have caused knowingly or unknowingly.


Hence this notice is being issued to clarify that our client:


(i) has not authorised any individuals, groups, associations or social media handles either to use our client's name and images or to make any statements or express social, political or personal views on his behalf.


(ii) does not currently endorse any brand, product, corporation or association."

Ajith Kumar's legal team releases a press note and makes clarifications on brand endorsement and social media abuse

People looking for online information on Ajith Kumar, Vivegam will find this news story useful.