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Actor Vijay's speech at Mersal audio launch

The much-awaited speech of the day is finally here. Yes, here we present you what Vijay had spoken at the audio launch of Mersal, directed by Atlee.

Even before Vijay could start speaking, fans went crazy, and the whole auditorium erupted with the star's presence. After a few minutes of continuous cheers, Vijay started his speech. He said, "Thank you nanba (fans). I'd like to thank Hema ma'am and Murali sir for making Mersal as their hundredth film. The man who made everyone mersal after winning the Oscar has composed music for this Mersal. It was so pleasant to his songs. Atlee, I haven't told this anywhere else. Thank you so much for Theri. I admire his confidence. This is the first film for cinematographer G.K.Vishnu, but it didn't seem like his first film. My biggest thanks to all the technicians who have worked in the film.

Don't think that I'm advising. I am not a big person, and I am also not good at it. Many people ask me how I handle the negativity that is targeted at me, and I suggest,  the simple way to handle the negativity is to ignore it. We shouldn't react to unwanted things. Vendam nanba. They wouldn't leave us that easily. Everyone will torture us from various sides, but we have to manage that. Appo than life jolly ah irukkum. Illana bore adikkum. If you stay true to your heart and be caring to all, even if that is ten people, they will stay true to you.

Only these two things will define you as a person. Your determination when you're nothing; your attitude when you have everything. Nanba, if my stories are useful, you can take it as a lesson. If not, you can leave it as such. Now well, what can I tell about my own film? Fine, I'd tell one punch now, having due faith and belief in Atlee.

Thuppakki na Thotta Irukkanum
Kaththi na sharp ah irukkanum
Theri na thenavatta irukkanum
Mersal na mirattal ah irukkanum

Thank you nanba! Thank you all"

Tags : Atlee, Mersal, Vijay

Actor Vijay's speech at Mersal audio launch

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