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Celebrating 20 years of Toy Story!

If one film stands as a testimony to any animated film that will forever be attempted, then it's the Pixar produced Toy Story. Directed by John Lasseter, the first feature-length computer-animated film released around the same time, 20 years back.


Computer generated graphics have definitely created a space for storytellers to write and think beyond reality, and Toy Story is one such franchise that went on to mesmerize audiences of all age groups throughout the world.


To everybody’s surprise, Steve Jobs was the executive producer of Toy Story, giving his insights about the technicalities involved in an animated film. The film narrated a story about anthropomorphic toys that come to life when humans are not around. Woody, a pull-string cowboy and Buzz Lightyear, an astronaut action figure head a group of toys, and their dramatics formed the core plot.

Toy Story gave the much-needed exposure to the animation genre. With Toy Story 4 set to have a release by 2018, how many of you are waiting eagerly for that?


Celebrating 20 years of Toy Story!

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