WHO breaks the three greatest rumors about COVID-19!
Home > News Shots > World newsThe World Health Organization (WHO) has denied three commonly believed corona reports and confirmed them to be rumors.
The corona virus, which is said to have spread from China's Wuhan province in 2019, has spread around the world today and poses the greatest threat to mankind. Subsequent changes in the Govt virus have led to the development of new variants, causing great inconvenience to the population. However, the number of coronavirus deaths has dropped significantly since the introduction of coronavirus vaccines.
Various reports are circulating about the latest variant of the corona virus, 'Omicron'. The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned that this unofficial report could lead to various problems.
Accordingly, the World Health Organization has released 3 main rumors circulating about the Omicron variant. The World Health Organization has clarified that this information is false.
Omicron moderate variant
The World Health Organization (WHO) says reports are circulating that Omicron, the latest variant of the corona virus, is a mild variant and that this is not true. Worldwide, the WHO says the number of corona infections has increased by 8 percent in the past week.
Infection is over
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that people may think the corona epidemic is over but that is not true. The organization notes that '99.99% of all corona infections reported in the last one month are caused by the Omicron virus. '
This is the last variant
"People think this Omicron is the last variant. It's an unproven claim," said a World Health Organization official. They also noted the recent discovery of a new type of corona variant in Israel.
Doctors have speculated that vaccines are making people more immune to unimaginable causes, and urge people to get vaccinated without hesitation.
We have huge amounts of misinformation that's out there. The misinformation that Omicron is mild. Misinformation that the pandemic is over. Misinformation that this is the last variant that we will have to deal with. This is really causing a lot of confusion mvankerkhove pic.twitter.com/Ou7vuiV1GD
- Cleavon MD 💉 💉 (leCleavon_MD) March 19, 2022