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"Utterly inappropriate...!" - Kamala Harris slams question on Ukranian refugee crisis!

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US Vice President Kamala Harris's smile at a reporter's question about Ukrainian refugees has caused controversy.

"Utterly inappropriate...!" - Kamala Harris slams question on Ukranian refugee crisis!

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than 2 weeks. The war has killed thousands of soldiers and hundreds of Ukrainian civilians. The UN says more than 15 lakh refugees have sought refuge in neighboring countries. Meanwhile, several rounds of talks on a ceasefire ended in failure.

In this context, Polish President Andrs Duterte met with US Vice President Kamala Harris today (11.03.2022). Following this, the two jointly met with reporters. A female reporter then asked Kamala Harris, "Will the US give asylum to people fleeing Ukraine as refugees?" Following this, the Polish president asked, "Will you urge the United States to grant asylum to Ukrainian refugees?"

The two looked at each other for a few seconds as if to answer these questions first. Then, look at the Polish president and say, ‘Answer yourself first. Kamala Harris says, "He who helps in danger is a good friend." He fell down and laughed.

The video has caused controversy on social media. The Ukrainian people are fleeing their homeland with their children, fearing for their lives. In this context, Netizens have strongly criticized the Vice President of a country for laughing at the question of the people of Ukraine.


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