This University Has Lower Cut-Off For Men Than Women; The Reason Is Bizarre Beyond Belief

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This University Has Lower Cut-Off For Men Than Women; The Reason Is Bizarre Beyond Belief

Somewhere or the other, partiality based on gender is still prevalent. In such a bizarre case, a Tokyo-based medical university has admitted to favouring male students over female by setting a lower marks requirement for them for admission.

While the preference itself is problematic, even more is the reason that the university has stated. According to a report in Asahi Shimbun newspaper, the university cited the reason that 'women mentally mature faster' than men.

Because of this bizarre policy, the university erroneously failed 165 people who sat for its entrance examination in 2017 and 2018.

Addressing the press conference, Hiroyuki Daida, dean of Juntendo's medical school, said that this was because female candidates tended to perform better in interviews, so the rigging was a "measure to help" their male counterparts.

The institution's bizarre reasoning has become a talking point among academic circles.