'Thief' Steals Car, Returns It To Owner With Full Tank Of Petrol
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Car thefts don't usually have happy endings. But then this one is an exception. In some rare cases, the car may be found but it will certainly have some wear and tear.
But in this car theft case, the thief actually returned it to the owner with a full tank of petrol. he incident is now being described as 'The most Canadian car-thief story of all time'.
According to reports, a woman had called the Police on December 9 to report her car had been stolen from a parking lot of a shopping complex. But after a thorough investigation by the police, it was revealed that the ‘thief’ who had taken the car, did so by mistake as his car was identical to the woman’s.
Once he realised he had taken someone’s else’s car, he drove it to a petrol station and filled up the tank before returning the vehicle to its owner. Police spokesperson Cpl Dal Hutchinson told Toronto Star such cases are rare and the man had admitted to his mistake.
"I jumped in, turned quickly and looked—and the woman sitting in the passenger side wasn't my wife. My wife was in the next vehicle watching this, laughing," said the so-called thief.