First European Country To Declare Corona FREE; Relaxes Border Control!
Home > News Shots > World newsNews broke the internet after, Slovenia opened its borders following declaring an end to its coronavirus epidemic. This country with two million people, had reported around 1,500 coronavirus cases and 103 deaths till date.

Prime Minister Janez Jansa stated that "Today Slovenia has the best epidemic situation in Europe, which enables us to call off the general epidemic."
With few new infections being reported in the country, the government has ordered borders to open for all EU citizens, while non-EU citizens will have to stay in quarantine.
The government also issued a statement that read as, "Since the danger of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus remains, some general and special measures will remain in force." They have used a technical term for the COVID-19 disease.
Despite calling it coronavirus free, there are few restrictions like public gatherings will remain banned while social distancing rules and wearing of masks is mandatory in public spaces.
The government further asserted that few shopping centres and hotels would be allowed to reopen next week. While football and all other team competitions will resume from May 23.
Meanwhile, medical experts clarify that despite Slovenia has been declared corona-free, the disease is still present in the country.