Psychology Professor Accidentally Plays Porn On Projector To 500 Students During Lecture

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Psychology Professor Accidentally Plays Porn On Projector To 500 Students During Lecture

In a rather embarrassing incident, a Toronto university professor accidently played a porn clip using the projector, during an introductory class that was attended by 500 students.

According to a report in Toronto Sun, the incident happened during Dr Steve Joorden's class, PSYA01: Introduction to Biological & Cognitive Psychology. Dr. Joordens started his 9 AM lecture by connecting his laptop to the projector, without realising that he had pornography playing on his laptop.

Played on the big screen, the video was seen and heard by over 500 students in the lecture hall. The students erupted with shock and laughter as they witnessed the clip. Some students even left the hall out of embarrassment. Mortified, the professor rushed to turn off the video.

Some students even filmed the chaos and posted the video on Snapchat and Reddit. “We can’t discuss personnel matters. But, we are aware of the situation and are encouraging students who are feeling unsettled to speak with staff at the Health & Wellness Centre,” the university spokesperson said.

Professor Joordens has released a statement about the incident and has also apologised for what happened. "I want to be clear that what happened what unintentional and I feel absolutely terrible about it. I have apologised to my class and now I want to move on," he said.