Man Gets Lung Infection After Smelling His Own Dirty Socks

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Man Gets Lung Infection After Smelling His Own Dirty Socks

Yes, smelly and dirty socks are dangerous. But who would've thought of them to be a major health hazard!

A man has been rushed to hospital after he developed a lung infection from sniffing his dirty socks. The Chinese national, who has not been named, was hospitalised after he was found to have a severe fungal infection in his lungs, which is understood to have been caused by smelling his socks at the end of a long day at work.

According to a report in reports, the man from Zhangzhou, in South-eastern China's Fujian province, would regularly take off his socks and give them a good sniff.

The bizarre habit led to him catching an infection from a fungus that had developed in his footwear from his sweaty feet, which spread to his lungs after he breathed in the spores. After being admitted to hospital, an x-ray confirmed him to be suffering from a severe lung infection and he has been undergoing treatment.

Doctors have reportedly confirmed that the infection was caused by his frequent sniffing of his own socks.

Wishing the man a speedy recovery and hope that he can get over his 'dirty' habit!