Man Finds Dead Mouse Inside Rice Packet Bought From A Supermarket

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Man Finds Dead Mouse Inside Rice Packet Bought From A Supermarket

In a rather disgusting piece of news, a man claimed to have found a dead mouse inside the packet of rice that he bought at a leading supermarket in Germany.

Lidl, one of the leading supermarket chain in Germany is now facing flak after the man claimed to have a found a dead mouse inside one of their packets of Pilau rice. The man, identified as Richard Leech, shared the image on social media. His post has now gone viral and has led to criticism of the supermarket.

“Hi Lidl UK, I wonder if you could let me know how this mouse got into my packet of rice. Now my house stinks of cooked mouse and my wife is uncontrollable,” he wrote on Twitter.


As Leech's tweet started gaining traction, a member of the supermarket customer service got back to him, saying, "Hi Rich, sorry to see this. If you pop us a DM with your contact details, we’ll get this looked into for you."


It is still unclear as to how the mouse got into the packet of rice. "We were very sorry to see this and have requested further information from the customer, so that this can be fully investigated by our quality assurance team," a Lidl spokesperson told Metro UK.