'Russia is not World's FIRST to Develop COVID-19 Vaccine,' claims Chairperson of this Indian Company! Here's Why

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A veteran from the biotechnology industry, Kiran Mazumdar- Shaw has criticized the Russian vaccine regarding the claims they have made about developing world’s first safe coronavirus vaccine. She cited that the absence of data on clinical trials is alarming. 

'Russia is not World's FIRST to Develop COVID-19 Vaccine,' claims Chairperson of this Indian Company! Here's Why

Kiran who is the Executive Chairperson of Bengaluru- headquartered Biocon Ltd told that the world has not seen any data related to phase 1 or 2 trials conducted by Moscow’s Gamaleya Research Institute. 

“But it doesn’t make them the world’s first vaccine as several other vaccine programmes are even more advanced,” she stated.

Russia announced on Tuesday that it is the first country to give regulatory approval to a COVID-19 vaccine. 

The vaccine Sputnik-V was developed by the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Healthcare Ministry and the first dose off the vaccine was administered to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s daughter.

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