Doctors find 122 iron nails, pins and broken glass inside man's stomach

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Doctors find 122 iron nails, pins and broken glass inside man's stomach

Ethiopian doctors extracted over a hundred iron nails and other sharp objects from the stomach of a 33-year-old patient this weekend.


The patient reportedly suffered from a mental illness and hence consumed 122 four inches (10 cm) long iron nails, four pins, a toothpick and broken glass. He was treated at the St. Peter's Specialised Hospital in Addis Ababa.


Dawit Teare, a surgeon at the hospital mentioned that he has been suffering from the illness for over 10 years and stopped taking medication for the past two years. He reportedly said, "I'm guessing he consumed the objects with the help of water, however, he is a lucky person that those sharp objects didn't cut his stomach. That could have led to serious infections and even death."