Watch - Cyclist crosses track when train approaches; Here is what happens next

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Watch - Cyclist crosses track when train approaches; Here is what happens next

In a chilling video footage that went viral on social media, a cyclist was seen crossing a railway track when a train approaches fast. What happened next is straight out of an action movie.


The chilling incident took place in Geleen, Netherlands a few months ago. However, the video was made public only a few days ago. From the video, the cyclist could be seen waiting as a train passes by. Assuming that the train passed, the cyclist attempts to cross the tracks.


However, another train comes from the opposite side, which the cyclist notices only when he had already crossed the tracks midway. The cyclist could be seen hurrying as the train approaches him. In the nick of time, the cyclist misses the train and makes it to the other side.


Watch the thrilling video here: