Man Throws Hot Water At Air Hostess On Flight; Shocking Details Caught On Camera

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Air Hostess or flight attendants job is not easy; from attending every passengers need to taking care of other small details, they do everything. Despite all that, people mistreat flight attendants sometimes.

Man Throws Hot Water At Air Hostess On Flight; Shocking Details Caught On Camera

As per India Today reports, there was a recent Quora thread where people where talking about- "What is the most humiliating thing you have ever seen happen to a flight attendant on a flight?"

Suddenly, a Quora user, identified as Nuralia Mazlan, who works as a flight attendant for Air Asia shared one of the most bizarre and worst experiences that she saw on a flight. The story begins where passengers, who misbehaved with the air hostess, were Chinese.

This shocking incident took place on an air Asia flight. A passenger threw a cup of boiling hot water on an air hostess because they could not handle an inconvenience on flight. "How about being thrown hot water from cup noodles to your face because your passenger was upset about her boyfriend sitting away from her?," is what she said.

Yes, you read that right! Nuralia Mazlan even shared a picture of her colleague who faced the bad day. "This Thai stewardess was thrown with hot water after the passenger in question was notified that she couldn’t be seated next to her boyfriend due to a full flight and no one was willing to swap seat with her," she added.

On further explaining the incident, Nuralia Mazlan said "The passenger let out her frustration to the poor stewardess who had no power to do anything about it. Like, F-ing heck lady, if you have to be seated next to your boyfriend next time, make sure you both book a seat to be seated next to each other because the system doesn’t f-ing know if you guys are related or desperately need to sit next to each other."

Minutes later, other crew members stepped in to calm down the situation but she grew even more aggressive. Now, even the boyfriend got into an argument as well and threaten to blow up the plane.

As soon as the plane landed, the passenger and her boyfriend were taken to airport law enforcement officers, who punished her only by banning from travelling on that airline again.