Netizens On The Edge Of Their Seats As Baby Bear Climbs Snow Mountain To Reach Mother
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Popular WWE wrestler John Cena's phrase 'Never give up' just found an apt situation. The world is full of inspiration. We just don't have the time to notice it. While most of us use the phrase to obtain more marks in exams, a baby bear made it its life motto.
In a video doing rounds on the internet, a baby bear can be seen trying to climb a snow mountain with its mother. The video teaches us an important life lesson - to not give up, whatever the circumstances might be.
As it starts climbing with the adult bear, there are several moments when it falls down, only to climb again. Just when we start feeling that it will fall down the cliff, it proves us wrong and starts again.
And finally, it manages to reach the top giving us the inspiration we have been looking for.
We could all learn a lesson from this baby bear: Look up & don't give up.
— IM🍑HIM (@ziyatong) November 3, 2018
Netizens were left breathless after watching it. Here are some reactions
I see it as the mother bear strengthening the cub by making it experience adversity that it will later face alone in life.
— Chris LeDrew (@ChrisLeDrew) November 4, 2018
right?and so inspiring, that baby bear didnt give up no matter how hard it got each time
— Apondi Apondi (@WhoDatBoyApondi) November 4, 2018
Pure dead brilliant 😉 best thing I’ve seen on Twitter for ages. I can’t believe I was trying to help pushing it up my screen 😂😂👏👏
— Ronnie Waugh (@broxibear49) November 4, 2018
When he gets to the top
— Alyssa Ryan (@13alyssaryan13) November 4, 2018