Big Bang Theory gets mentioned during Physics Nobel Prize Announcement!
Home > News Shots > Technology newsWhen the life of 'cool' kids was often portrayed in sitcom, Big Bang Theory was the one that entered a different view where the main cast were nerds. The series saw 13 seasons and had its finale in May.

In the series, two of the main cast, Sheldon and Amy, win the physics prize. "Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state, then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started," said academy member Ulf Danielsson during the presentation.
He quoted the Big Bang Theory's opening theme song during the announcement. Three scientists won the prize for understanding how universe evolved from the Big Bang and the discovery of planet outside solar system.
Hansson said that he hoped the show's fans liked how this year's Nobel Prizes are handled. "I hope that Sheldon and Amy are not too disappointed today," he said.