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Woman bites off husband's private parts, runs away with lover

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Woman bites off husband's private parts, runs away with lover

In a shocking incident in Vellore, a woman bit off her husband's private part and ran away with her lover. The incident took place after she was caught with her lover in a compromising state by her husband.


45-year-old Jayanthi excused herself to the bathroom while watching a play with her husband, Senthamarai on Monday. However, since she did not turn up after an hour, her husband attempted to search for her.


Jayanthi was found along with her lover Dakshinamoorthi in an intimate position. This sparked a scuffle between them during which Senthamarai threatened to announce their relationship to everyone else. During this quarrel, Senthamarai's dhoti came off. Scared, Jayanthi bit off his private part and ran away with her lover.


The husband was immediately taken to the hospital. Jayanthi was later arrested on Wednesday by the police. She will be charged with attempted murder.