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TN - Coconut farmer commits suicide after losing everything to Cyclone Gaja

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TN - Coconut farmer commits suicide after losing everything to Cyclone Gaja

Cyclone Gaja hit Tamil Nadu last week and wreaked havoc on the state. The destruction faced by the state was massive. Many properties and over 63 lives were lost due to the cyclone.


The cyclone's impact was so bad that over 2 lakh people are still in relief camps. Tragically, a 55-year-old coconut farmer from Cholakan Kudikadu village near Orathanadu in Tanjore district committed suicide on Thursday after losing everything to the cyclone.


Reportedly, the victim, Sundarraj lost all his coconut trees planted in his 5-acre land. Sundarraj's family was completely dependent on the coconut trees. Under great stress, Sundarraj on Thursday morning went to a nearby burial ground and consumed poison. His body was later found by villagers.


Around 44 lakh coconut trees were uprooted in Tanjore and Pudukkottai districts due to Cyclone Gaja. Farmers have been demanding the government compensation for their lost crops. However, allegedly only a meagre Rs 500 for damaged plants and Rs 600 for clearing the debris was alotted by the State.