Studied engineering, works as Coolie and cart vendor - the story of two engineers
Home > News Shots > Tamil Nadu newsEngineer is a profession parents have come to love. As a result, many students end up in engineering and there are plenty of engineering colleges. With the rate of unemployment and many competing for the same job with pay that is less than ideal, younsters face many issues.

A video released by Puthiya Thalaimurai shows a young man, Loganathan, who has completed mechanical engineering in 1st class. He works as a coolie for a living.
The 26 year old youth seen explaining about the struggles he is going through in his life. “I completed B.E and went for a job in Chennai. Got 8,000 as salary in my first month. That job has not worked out for me. My family have been facing financial struggles at that time. I know this job since my childhood, so I have joined in this.” says Loganathan about why he returned to his hometown.
“The pay depends on how hard we work. We could not point fingers and anyone. It is possible to lift 100 bundles per day if there is work. If there is no work, there would be 70 bundles to lift. I will get 10 rupees per bundle.” says Loganathan.
“Though it causes pain in different part of my body, I must do it to run my family. Everyone will ask me to go to while collar job as I have studied, even my mother will ask me to do it, But I like this Job. I am very proud that I am not betraying someone or making fool out of someone to make money” Loganathan says in the video.
In another news by Vikatan, a young man, Jaisundar, who is also an engineering graduate, sells street food in cart. He earns upto Rs. 20,000 a month. Speaking about himself, he said, "I completed Diploma ECE and did B.Tech. ECE. I joined a famous network company for Rs. 9000. Then I worked at a automobile company in Coimbatore for Rs. 10,000. Then due to certain reasons, my mom was not able to go to work. So I had to manage the family."
He was a regular customer to a garam shop. That's where he got the idea to start a business. He said that his mother was against it. Yet, he was determined to see it through. He also spoke about the hardships and guilty feeling associated with it.
He also spoke about the financial issues he faced initially. Finally, he is able to manage it and now his mother also trusts in him.
While it is good that the youngsters are finding alternate ways to survive, it is sad that they have studied for years and they are not provided proper employment and salary. It is clear from their words that this wasn't their first option and that they preferred this due to the pressure to earn more to do a living. While they have found an alternate way, many are still struggling to meet the ends. When will this come to an end?