Using Feet As Hands: This 12-Yr-Old Proves That Nothing Is Impossible

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Using Feet As Hands: This 12-Yr-Old Proves That Nothing Is Impossible

We all strive for perfection in our lives. Right from our morning coffee to our work, if we don't have a perfect day, we crib and blame it on someone else. And then there are people who are not blessed with everything, and yet their spirit knows no bounds.

12-year-old Subhadra Tungo was born without hands. But instead of cribbing about it, she does everything a normal person can. She brushes her hair, eats with a spoon, writes and even cuts vegetables using her feet. Yes, you read that right!

Living with her family in Odisha, Subhadra's disadvantage did not stop her from doing daily tasks and living her life to the best of her capacity. Although she wore prosthetic limbs at first, she decided to do away with them, and use her feet instead.

"I do not feel any sorrow, as there is no work I cannot do. People use their hands for all their work, I do the same with my feet," said Subhadra, who now studies in class 8

Tungo's father recounts how he was amused after seeing his daughter use her feet to do all the daily activities. "People often ask how did you teach her to do all the tasks with her feet. But we did not teach her anything. She learned on her own," said the girl's father.

Subhadra revealed how she was mocked by her classmates initially, which caused her to lose her confidence. However, gradually they began to accept her the way she is and supported her. Subhadra has been awarded several prizes for her courage and undying spirit.


This 12-year-old girl is indeed an inspiration to many!