Govt's New Policy on Corona Testing: "Mild Symptoms will not be Tested before Discharge," says Health Ministry

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The Health Ministry on Friday announced that those admitted in the hospitals in India, with mild or moderate symptoms, will not be tested before they are discharged. Previously, people were to test negative twice before being discharged. They have also decided that the severe cases will have to test negative only once before discharge.

Govt's New Policy on Corona Testing: "Mild Symptoms will not be Tested before Discharge," says Health Ministry

“Mild/very mild/pre-symptomatic cases admitted to a COVID Care Facility (CCC) will undergo regular temperature and pulse oximetry monitoring. The patient can be discharged after 10 days of symptom onset and no fever for 3 days. There will be no need for testing prior to discharge. At the time of discharge, the patient will be advised to follow the home isolation for further 7 days as per guidelines…” read the revised statement that the ministry released.

While the existing number of testing is 95,000 per day, the Health Ministry is aiming at increasing it to 1.20 lakh.

It also reads, “At any point of time, prior to discharge from CCC, if the oxygen saturation dips below 95%, patient is moved to Dedicated COVID Health Centre (DCHC). After discharge from the facility, if he/she again develops symptoms of fever, cough or breathing difficulty he will contact the COVID Care Centre or State helpline or 1075. His/her health will again be followed up through tele-conference on 14th day.”

The policy also stated that if the fever resolves within 3 days and the patient maintains saturation above 95% for the next 4 days without any oxygen support, he/she will be “discharged after 10 days of symptom onset in case of absence of fever without antipyretics, resolution of breathlessness, no oxygen requirement.”


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