Decomposed Body of Air-hostess found; Death goes Unnoticed due to Lockdown!

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Police found the body of an air hostess on Wednesday in her apartment which is located in Poddar Wadi locality in Vila Parle, Mumbai. 

Decomposed Body of Air-hostess found; Death goes Unnoticed due to Lockdown!

According to police, her body was decomposed when it was found in her apartment in Rajalakshmi building on Wednesday night. As per news reports, her body was found after neighbors noticed the stench that emanated from her apartment. 

Sultana Shaik worked with Go Air and she lived in the apartment with two of her colleagues who went out of the city due to COVID-19 lockdown. 

As per media reports, no suicide note was found in the apartment. The case has been registered as accidental death. Further investigations on the case are underway. She was undergoing medication due to depression.

Her place of origin is not known to the police yet but they’ve found out that her sisters live in Nagpada. The autopsy is likely to be conducted shortly.

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