"'20,000', 'no 10,000', 'okay, I'll surrender, only if I get 15,000 likes on Facebook'" - Man tells police
Home > News Shots > Fun Facts newsRecently, a fugitive and a police department struck a deal. Connecticut police department shared a post stating that a suspect has promised to surrender if his wanted poster gets 15,000 “likes” on Facebook.

The department shared two wanted posters and one among them, named Jase Simms, has made the deal. He is being wanted for having multiple arrest warrants to his name, The Telegraph reports.
The department captioned the posters saying "Here's an interesting one...Jose Simms (The first warrant pictured) negotiated with me earlier this week (Through Facebook) and has agreed to turn himself in to Torrington Police if we can get 15,000 "likes" on this post (I said 10,000 he wanted 20,000, we split). It will be difficult but is doable. So please, "like" this post, and while you're at it share it, Tweet it, Instagram it, Snapchat it, WUPHF it,(Thanks Jared!) (Pronounced Woof, its a reference to the television show, 'The Office'...nevermind :D ), or use whatever other platforms are out there that I don't know about. Then again, if you know where either of these guys are, you could always let us know that too, it'd save everyone from the suspense of the 15K....Let's get it!! (L/BJOH, 5/22/19 @ 0302 hrs)"
Soon the post got over 26000 likes in two days. So, netizens started asking if the suspect has turned himself in. The department later added an update on their Facebook post stating that the escapee is yet to uphold his side of bargain.