Netizens Finally Found Biggest Plot Twist in Story Behind Famous 'Distracted' Boyfriend Image!
Home > News Shots > Fun Facts newsAll of us, at least once, would have come across 'the distracted boyfriend' image in which a guy, holding hands and walking with his girlfriend, will be seen appreciatively whistling at another girl.

The image was clicked by a 45-year-old Barcelona photographer named Antonio Guillem. Social media is effectively using the image to describe various events and emotions. But there's a twist to it. That image doesn't end there. That's part of a story which ends in a lesbian wedding.
According to Hollywood Reporter, the image is part of a photoshoot conducted with models Laura (the angry girlfriend) and Mario (the distracted boyfriend).
The Internet has found the other pictures in the thread that make the story. Following the whistling scene, the boyfriend's eyes wander towards the new girl even when he pops up the question to his girlfriend. Subsequently, in the story, the two women meet and it turns out that they already know each other. They begin going out, fall in love and get married.
biggest plot twist of my generation
— Conrad (@_conradsleet) October 1, 2019