Moving at speed of more than 320 kmph, this animal is now the world's fastest!

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Moving at speed of more than 320 kmph, this animal is now the world's fastest!

No longer are cheetahs and peregrine falcons the world's fastest animals. A new species has taken over the slow pokes and was found to be the fastest animal on Earth.


According to a recent study, 'Dracula ants' are now the world's fastest animals. These tiny little creatures have been found to move their mandibles at a speed of more than 320 km/hr, the fastest animal movement on record.


Dracula ants have been an area of interest to researchers for some time due to their specialised appendages. While studying the creatures using high-speed tracking video technology, scientists were able to determine the speed of the ant's jaw movement.


Dracula ants are found in the tropical regions in Africa and Asia. The name comes from their feeding behaviours of symbiotic cannibalism.