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Dileep reacts to the recent caravan accident rumour

It has been circulating through the social media that actor Dileep's caravan met with an accident near Moolamattam, Kerala. The actor responded to this by saying that the caravan which crashed belongs to Javed Chemp, a production controller who rents the caravan to film sets. Dileep said that he does not own a caravan and has used this caravan while filming his film "Kammarasambhavam".

The actor who had given a controversial interview lately added sarcastically that some of "close friends" from the media are trying hard to promote the fake news about his accident. He also expressed his relief that the people who were inside the caravan are safe and sound.

Tags : Dileep

Dileep reacts to the recent caravan accident rumour

People looking for online information on Dileep will find this news story useful.