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Priyanka Chopra placed among the Top 10 Highest Paid TV actresses

Priyanka Chopra has featured in the list of Top 10 highest paid TV actresses released by an esteemed international magazine. PeeCee was placed eighth in the list topped by Modern Family actress Sofia Vergara. She also entered ‘The Royals’ list enlisted by another international daily. Here the Quantico actress was placed among other celebrated artists like Cindy Crawford, Chris Evans, Kanye West, Halle Berry, Kit Harrington, Rami Malek, Sofia Coppola and Jodie Foster.

Speaking about this honour through a video on Instagram, she said “Royalty I really feel is not something that you’re born into it, it is a certain quality that when you walk into a room people look, or they just need to turn. And that’s when you’re really blueblooded,”

This certainly could be spoken of PeeCee’s golden one - She was seen presenting at the Academy Awards, was awarded the People’s Choice award, was chosen among the 100 Most Influential People; she had even met Barack Obama  and now these two honours.

Perhaps these words she spoke in the same video define her moment : “It blew my mind that I won Miss India! I was the gawkiest teenager, I had no self-esteem and I was a tomboy so I had scars and I was always falling on my knees and they were not the prettiest legs… I taught myself to take care of my body. Anybody can do it if I can. Today my legs sell 12-15 products in my part of the world. Yeah, they really do.”

Priyanka Chopra placed among the Top 10 Highest Paid TV actresses

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