Bigg Boss Tamil Season 3 is a reality show aired on Vijay Television. Contestants are housed under one roof with no communication to the outside world except with the host on the weekends. The host of the show is Kamal Haasan.
Vanitha was evicted this week, but the real surprise was in store for not the contestants but for Kamal Haasan. Bigg Boss had a special Kurumpadam for Kamal Haasan yesterday, and it was from his brother Charuhasan.
The veteran actor and director recounted Kamal Haasan childhood and how Kamal used to practically live at the Film Theatre near their house. Charuhasan mentioned how it was their father's foresight that lead to Kamal Haasan becoming an actor.
Kamal Haasan was very happy about the video clipping and he expressed his feelings about his brother, who he mentioned was also a father and a friend to him. Kamal Haasan said he feels that if his getup in Indian resembled his father, Kamal's getup in Indian 2 is resembling his brother Charuhasan. For more interesting updates on Bigg Boss, stay tuned here!