Bigg Boss is a popular reality TV show aired on Vijay TV. The show started its third season on June 23rd and has been running successfully. Hosted by Kamal Haasan like the previous two seasons, the show's twist and turns are displaying an abundance of drama, controversy and emotions.
In the first promo that was released, the contestants are seen learning a new art form, Therukoothu from artists. The promo featured a glimpse of the final performance in which Vanitha played the role of Lord Yama and Losliya as Chitragupta.
The makers have unveiled the second promo of the show in which one can see the practice session between Tharshan and Sherin. While the good flow keeps continuing, the whole inmates starts bursting into laughter when Sherin conveys that she won’t be able to deliver this long dialogue to the artist. Watch the interesting promo here -