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Vignesh Shivn wishes Nayanthara for Womens Day

It is Women's Day today (8th March), and director Vignesh Shivn has wished Nayanthara for being a confident and a strong person.

His post read, "Hey pretty fighter! Amidst all the pain & failures.... Congrats for managing to pull it off till here! Even when people drag your name when something goes wrong in Mexico! You've managed to smile... and kept it going!

Being strong... Being confident... Being good & positive... Being Nayanthara hasn't been that easy. But you've made it look as gorgeous as you... Happy Women's Day. To the strongest and most beautiful woman, I've ever met!"


*Tweets are not spell-checked

Vignesh Shivn wishes Nayanthara for Womens Day

People looking for online information on Nayanthara, Vignesh Shivn will find this news story useful.