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T.Rajendar questions O.Panneerselvam for the mystery behind Jayalalithaa's death

T.Rajendherr called for an urgent press meet today evening (March 4th), in which he has questioned O. Panneerselvam for the mystery behind our former late Chief Minister, Selvi J.Jayalalithaa's death.

He said, “Amma was admitted to the hospital on the 22nd of September. O.Panneerselvam resigned his Chief Minister post on the 5th of February 2017. In these 137 days, what did OPS do? What did his team do? I can’t just maintain silence as my heart breaks out.

C.H.Pandian, on March 2nd, said that they are close to the people who are behind the mysterious death of Jayalalithaa. But what was he doing till then? Were you sleeping all these days? Why wasn’t the mystery unveiled much earlier? Mr. Ponnaiyaa, you were the one who told Amma is doing well in the hospital when you went inside. But what do you say now?


It seems like OPS was forced and threatened to sign the Chief Minister resignation letter. A common man can fear for external forces, but how can a leader of a state fear for these threats? Had OPS been more loyal, the death wouldn’t have occurred. What use in going and sitting at Marina after her death? What use in ordering for justice inquiry on Jayalalithaa’s death now?

T.Rajendar questions O.Panneerselvam for the mystery behind Jayalalithaa's death

People looking for online information on Jayalalithaa, O Panneerselvam, T Rajendar will find this news story useful.